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A series of useful commands and actions to take full command of any terminal.

Table of Contents


Everything needs (CTRL+b) before selecting anything below

mSpliting the window

  • % -> (left/right)
  • " -> (top/bottom)

Choosing panes

  • o -> Shift panes
  • ; -> Go back to last pane
  • q -> Display pane numbers
  • x -> Kill the pane

Changing Windows

  • 0-9 -> Choose window
  • p -> Change to the previous window


Working with background jobs and bringing them to the fore when required:

  • CTRL + Z -> background and suspend
  • bg -> resume background
  • & -> (at end of command = send to background)
  • fg % [job no.] -> bring job number to the front
  • jobs -> list all of the running background jobs in session


Quick ways to edit and interact with files only using the termianl (not comprehensive)

  • less (allows for scrolling)
  • sort | uniq > (sorts strings by newline and removes duplicates)
  • tail -n + > (removes beginning of file)


Reuse an old command: history | grep <parameter>, !!<choice>